Friday, July 21, 2006

Find me

Find me

I get lost in my dreams of what should i be
In the nothing blowing with the wind
Im the tear holded back
The "I love you" that you dont dare to pronounce

In the darkest hole, in the brightest star
where do i hide?
When i will come out?

Find where em I, and bring me back to life
next to you, not a shadow in the dark
not the lonely person that nobody dares to touch

Find me, I dont want to hide
There is too much I cant stand
And the cold around is driving me mad


Anonymous said...


Me encantaaa lo ke escribes, enserio escibes muy bien =)
Sorry por no haber posteado antes.
Pero no pude.

Siempre leo lo ke escribes!
M ncanta! bezoo


Te kiero mishonesssss


Anonymous said...

" CUando uno se siente atraido por la libertad y la pasion, debe manifestarla para trascender"
nena la pasion que le pones a cada palabra demuestra tu capacidad de trascender....